a slow death

being busy sucks. it's more than just not having the time to do the things you want to, it gets to the point where you can't make time for the things you need to do. like eat. like sleep.
something about the society we live in pushes us to be busy and rarely gives us a chance to slow down and realize it. we have to get through college as soon as possible, we have to do as much as we can with friends, we have to go to as many concerts and games as possible, we take on extra hours at work to earn more money. we try to move so fast through things because of what's waiting on the other side. it's our poison of choice.

i've gotten sick of the hectic and busyness that's so east to step into. i don't even think about it.
this week's been busy. that's an understatement. it's been hectic. that's an understatement too. i miss the slow pace of life i had over break. i miss getting to hang with people and talk about life, i miss being able to hear myself think, and to be able to analyze those thoughts. i miss being with all of these things and more. maybe i'm just tired. maybe i'm just off my rocker a bit.

yet God's still got me: when life gets overwhelming, or annoying, or frustrating, i can look to what's beyond the situation. beyond the here and now, to the eternal:
"YOU guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever." Ps. 73.24-27