growing and the pains that go with

have you ever been struck by how you're growing? hit with the fact that you are, in fact, growing older and the years of playing on the jungle gym are growing dim. what is coming closer are things that you never thought much about as a kid, but suddenly are close realities.
these are things that i've been chewing on lately. am i growing into the man that will be a good husband and father to my wife, a good life long friend to my brothers, and a close companion to my family? life is always moving by and sometimes i feel as if i unknowingly close my eyes to it.

father. make me into a man after your heart. show me what that looks like, and lead my heart that way. the rest will follow. i ask that Your grace would become something that is always on my mind. let it enter my heart and change my perspective on those around me. as i work through my days, would you begin to mold me into the man you want me to be. help me to focus on you and the life you offer.
i ask for grace and wisdom beyond measure for my brothers. as they wrestle with these things too, be close. help them to search for your heart in these things. when confusion or emotion or fear prevents them from seeing clearly, give them grace and persistence. bring people that can give advice to them and help them work through these issues.

father. thank you for your presence. that you are real. thank you for your goodness and care for our lives. great is thy faithfulness


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