say what you mean and mean what you say

i was thinking. how many of us really mean what we say? of course, all of us want to think that in conversation we mean what we say, but if we really look at it, is it true?
here's an example: you're talking with a friend who's about to leave for a big trip. you say goodbye and that you hope they have a great time. what do we mean by that? it hit me that in saying something like that, we are showing that we care for the person, and for their sake and..well being i guess, we want them to be happy and enjoy their time.
another example: a friend tells you about a death in their family and the first thing out of your mouth is to say 'oh, i'm so sorry!' in looking at the meaning behind this, again, you care for the person and recognize that they must be dealing with alot of grief because of their loss. anyone who goes through an experience like that needs, at least a little, consolation; which is why you offer condolences.

my point is this: how often do we go around saying things because it is natural, or socially expected, without really meaning it? i want to be the kind of person who says things and actually means them. i'm not saying that thisis something i'm not; it's just something i want to work on.


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