what's the point?

so i just spent the day in HB, at the US Open of surfing. it was awesome; surf all day of course but there were two skateparks set up, hundreds of vendors and exhibitions from surf companies, clothing companies, car companies and any other company you can think of. and the people..man oh man were there alot of people. i over heard one lady say "i feel like i'm playing frogger" as she tried to walk across a sidewalk. it was an awesome day.

but now that i look at it, i see that there was so much emptiness there. people were trying with all their might to show off to those around them; whether it be with their bodies, their talents, their money, their cars; whatever would grab people's attention. if this is what people are so set on achieving, what's the point? if you have the most toned body, the most money, the best cars, the most talent and skill; what then? is life complete? does that person win at this game of life?
i don't think so. there is a hole inside of us that society has long tried to fill. and you'd think that we'd get the picture after hundreds of years of failure; the hole isn't filled with what we try to put in it. to strive after things like that just leaves you wanting. i found this out the hard way with a relationship i tried to force in that hole.

God designed us and wrote out the blueprints for our life. before the fall, we had communion with Him but now we have this hole that makes us incomplete. to be complete, we need Christ. He fits that missing part of us perfectly because He is what makes us whole. i'm still learning the significance of this and how deep it goes, but i think God's on to something by working this into me. hopefully i can really mean it when i say God is all i need.


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