Have some Heart

so i'm starting to learn that all of who we are comes down to the heart. the things that we find interesting, the types of people that intrigue us, the things that get under our skin. when someone cuts us off in traffic, we respond from our hearts. when we hear of or see tragedy oversees and feel empathy, that comes from the heart. all the things that we think hold some sort of value have root in our hearts. the things that our hearts hold to are the things that steer us through life.
so it's only natural that it's our hearts that God is after. not the emotion or the intellect but the heart.
He gives an idea of the kind of heart He's after in His word:
Luke 5:32 "I have come not for those who think they are righteous, but for those who know they are sinners and need to repent"-a humble heart
Luke 6:44-45 " A tree is identified by it's fruit..A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart."

we have to "guard our hearts, for it is the well spring of life" because the things that we hold to determine what type of "fruit tree" we will be. doing this on our own isn't an option because we are naturally bent toward evil. it is God who must do the changing. may it be so.


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