
there are some things in life that make you pause, make you think that there must be something more than chance responsible for what you see; something more going on.

tonight i felt that. i saw that. i experienced that. i went to a coffeeshop show featuring a band called the fragrance.
i was struck as i listened; their lyrics are worship, unadultered. they sing from different experiences and backgrounds, but to the same God. they have been blessed and loved beyond compare and seek to tell others about it through their music. one song that i'm particularly taken with says simply "What a mighty God we serve!" over and over again. the conviction in the voices speak of truth; that they sing from experience and mean what they say. their show felt more like a worship service than a performance.
God be glorified through this music. bless the members of this band as they live in a love relationship with you, their maker and completion of their souls. thank you for the influence they are gaining and i PRAY that you would not let these words be lost in translation. use them to glorify you and explain to others what this life is really about.
clap your hand all ye children


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